Why Linux?

3 min readJan 5, 2021

Ever wondered why so many developers use linux as their main Operating System? In this artile I'll go over 10 reasons why so many developers are making the switch and why you should too.

1. Linux is more efficient

Linux truly lets you concentrate on the task at hand. No annoying notifications, pop ups and force updates. After all who wants a silly candy crush pop up in middle of nowhere.

2. Development tools

Most of the development tools are available in linux.

3. Package manager in linux

The package manager in linux is one of its best features. No need to crawl the web for the software you need. Just type a one line command at the terminal and the software will be installed on your system.

4. Make it your own

In linux, you choose what you want to install. Minimal Linux distros(if you are new to linux, distros can be considered as different flavours of linux) like Arch, Gentoo and Void give you complete control of which applications you want to install on your system. After which you can truly say that is your operating system.

5. Customisation

You can customise the linux operating system to you hearts content. You have the liberty to decide how your operating system looks and feel. Other proprietary operating systems donot offer even 1% of the customisability that linux offers. Distros like Gentoo lets your choose your init system and even customise the kernel.

6. Linux is free and Open Source

Linux is free, free as in freedom(also free as in cost), and open source. All the source code is freely available for anyone to review. This means there are no backdoors, spyware, telemetary and other kinds of nasty things. Being open source bugs and vulnerabilities are quickly fixed.

7. Privacy and Security

Linux is by nature a secure operating system, owing to its open source feature. Also, in linux you must have root privileges to run certain commands, whereas, in windows users by default have access to everything in the system because they are given administrator rights. If the virus will be able to penetrate their system, they can quickly gain access to important parts of the system.

8. Linux is everywhere

Linux powers the Web. Almost all the web servers run on linux. Even your android phone is powered by the linux kernel.

9. Linux has a great community

Linux has a thriving community. People are always ready to help you out provided you make an effort.

10. Flex on your peers

I'll be posting a series of article that promises to make you a linux power user. If you like my article consider following and stay tuned for future blogs.

